Our Services
Through expert guidance and a personalized approach, your child will be empowered to reach new levels of academic success, cognitive performance, and overall well-being. Use the tabs below to discover the transformative impact of Cogmotion Learning's exclusive offerings and equip your child with the tools they need to excel.

Psychoeducational Evaluations
My practice includes psychoeducational assessment for school-aged students with suspected or identified exceptionalities, including gifted learners and those with social, behavioral and/or learning challenges.
In order to determine if your child is eligible for special accommodations at school, including IEPs, 504s, acceleration, or enrichment, your child may need a comprehensive assessment, which often consists of evaluating their cognitive ability, academic achievement, and social-emotional functioning.
Evaluations utilize diverse assessment techniques to develop an individualized plan targeting your child's learning needs, including:

Standardized Tests
Administered with a fixed set of procedures to create reliable (repeatable) and valid (meaningful) scores and recommendations for instruction, standardized tests measure an individual’s performance compared to age or grade-level peers. They may include tests of general intelligence, academic achievement, and executive functioning skills.

Behavioral Checklists
Used to determine the presence or frequency of certain behaviors or skills, behavior rating scales help evaluate adaptive (daily living) skills, social-emotional functioning, and/or self-regulation skills. They can be completed by the student, parent, or a teacher who is very familiar with the student.

Depending on the age of my client, I may interview the parent and/or the student. These interviews provide invaluable insight into relevant history, medical or developmental milestones, relationships, concerns, and goals.
The comprehensive, psychoeducational report you receive will include all data collected and summarized, with recommendations for parents to use and provide to others working with their child.